On December 20, 2024 by GRN Team in

 "Mufasa: The Lion King," the prequel to the 2019 "The Lion King," was released in India on December 20, 2024. Here's a summary of its box office performance:

Day 1 (December 20, 2024):

  • India Net Collection: Approximately ₹10 crore across all languages.

    • Language-wise Breakdown:

      • English: ₹4 crore

      • Hindi: ₹3 crore

      • Telugu: ₹2 crore

      • Tamil: ₹1 crore

Day 2 (December 21, 2024):

  • India Net Collection: Approximately ₹1.1 crore across all languages.

In the United States, the film faced stiff competition during its opening previews, particularly from "Sonic 3."